ATM 1613/ ATM 1615 – F/I Transducer

The μP-controlled frequency measurement and switching instruments of the type range ATM 1600 are suited as an actual value transmitter for analog one-quadrant control and applicable to control time-dependent measurands such as rpm, velocity, flow rate, et cetera, which, with a suitable impulse sensor, are able to be converted to a proportional frequency.

Electromagnetic sensors, hall effect impulse sensors, infrared reflex sensor, 2-wire NAMUR sensors or 3-wire proximity switches with pnp-transistor output can be used.

The F/I Converter use the period measurement method. The frequency is calculated as the inverse value of the time based interval of the impulse input. The calculated frequency is scaled on the defined final value and is delivered by the D/A-converter. The calculating time takes approx. 3ms.

Using drives with untrue motions, we advice to measure during several periods. Additionally a software-based pre-divider can be used.

To be discontinued in December 2021.

Field of Applications:
  • Actual value for analog one-quadrant control
  • Industries manufacturing
  • paper, fibre, sheeting, steel and cranes
  • Turbines
  • Generators
  • Centrifuges
  • Emergency diesel
  • Textile machinery
  • Teststand
  • Agitator
  • Manufacturing of transmissions
  • Flow measurement

F/I Transducer ATM 1613

F/I Transducer
ATM 1613

The F/I Transducer ATM 1613 converts an input frequency in the form of a sine or square wave signal into a proportional current or voltage output.

It is particularly suitable for high-precision measurement and control tasks. The measuring range is programmable on coding switches.

F/I Transducer and FREQUENCY RELAY ATM 1615

F/I Transducer
ATM 1615

The F/I Transducer / Frequency Relay ATM 1615 is a compact measuring and monitoring device that combines the functions of an F/I transducer, a frequency relay as well as a standstill monitor.

A time of 0.01s – 300.0s can be set for standstill monitoring.

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